Confirm, Change, Cancel

I have booked through online. Can I confirm my booking?

You should have received booking confirmation email from the booking site you used. If you haven’t received yet, please contact to the booking website as soon as possible to make sure your booking process has been done properly.

I have booked online. Can I change my booking for me as my schedule has changed?

We are afraid that we cannot change your booking when you booked through online. You can change your booking by yourself through the booking website. Please contact the booking site if you are not sure about anything.

I have booked through online. How can I cancel my booking because I changed my plans?

Unfortunately, we cannot cancel your booking when you have used booking website. We would like you to ask to cancel your booking by yourself through the booking website. Please contact to the booking site if you are not sure about anything. In addition, we are sorry that we won’t be able to decline your cancelation fee even if you contact to us. Thank you for your understanding.